“I've learnt a great deal as regards building my own identity and being unique as this is the key to standing out in the ocean of well developed youths and also personal discovery and development, I also learnt how to use emotional intelligence to my advantage especially when pitching my ideas and also in a working enviroment. Basamta taught me that every second is an opportunity to pitch my ideas. That emotional intelligence can be a great tool if well utilized..”

Agboola Raphael
University of Lagos

“Recently, I booked an appointment with him. My aim was to know how I can push my brand. I am a graphic designer, and his words to me were: " Understand your uniqueness. Communicate value. The business of the business is in the business. You are not a graphic designer, you are an entrepreneur who markets his business, who provides services". I learnt from him Personal and Career development, Principles of selling, and Networking..”

Ajayi Oluwatosin
Lagos State Polytechnic

“With Basamta, the sentence SELL YOURSELF has been ringing in my head almost all the time and it's now a part of my sucess story. It helped me in an interview i had recently and i was able to get the job. Adenuga Gbolahan – University of Lagos Basamta taught me to Believe in myself and discover my strength.”

Leke Adenuga
University of Lagos

“Before I met Basamta, I was doing well on my own but I wasn't enjoying my job then because I didn't realize how important or valuable what I was doing was until I went through weeks of different trainings on self discovery, emotional intelligence, communication, and listening to many stories that opened my mind to the possibilities that abound in the field that I belong. Thank you for your mentoring..”

DJ Sawft

“The one thing I learnt from Basamta was the importance of doing what you love and what you are passionate about, no other thing will bring you such joy and peace..”

Damilola Ogundipe

“Frim Basamta, I learnt that we all need to be unique for opportunities to be attracted to us. I learnt that self confidence is built over time through the little experiences around us. Indeed, Basamta also drove me to want to communicate more effectively like the power of silence.”

Adeola Adeyemo
University of Lagos

“I Iearnt from Basamta the importance of a great handshake and how to confidently tell my story , orally and through my CV.”

Victor Brown
University of Lagos

“Basamta taught me that making use of what I have at hand is of great importance. I learnt that if you find someone around you that you feel might be of help, walk up to the person, have that conversation and keep in touch. It will go a long way in helping you grow..”

Jesutofunmi Akingbade

“Basamta taught me to never feel comfortable with my position in life, and always strive to be better. He made me believe that I can achieve anything as long as I put my mind to itI've come a long way from who I was before. I can now take things in stride, achieve my goals within a better time frame and even plan better for the future.”

Damilola Adesalu

“With Basamta's guidance, I was able to improve on my communication skills, and it showed in my relationship with supervisors in the company, and my lecturer while on IT. I knew something was different about me during the course of the program. Basamta also taught me about responding to situations, instead of reacting. This is one thing I'll never forget, at home, in school among my peers, and in the industry, I'll always remember this. Thank you sir..”

Damisi Agosu

“Basamta taught me to always sell myself in every way possible, to learn the power in communication, power in story telling which helped me a lot in my seminar and project defense while in school. He also told me live, discover myself and make friends. He even recently gave me a target of new friends I’m to make in a month. During the course of my day when interacting with someone or doing something I find myself thinking what would Basamta say or thinking of what he has said previously. The highlight...”

Tope Adenekan
University of Lagos

“Personally for me Basamta was a critical part of my tipping point to self discovery. Firstly I learnt personal branding (“ you’re always selling yourself every time”) these words of yours have guided me to place and positions way beyond my comprehension Also I learnt to be humble and accept the opinions of everyone around me, that’s true leadership..”

Ayodeji Popoola
University of Lagos